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Rome Pilgrimage 2015


In spite of so many endless and frenetic persecutions of

certain people that True Life in God inevitably has been

experiencing for 30 years, the Voice of Christ cannot be

hushed down and will never be buried. The tide of truth

continues to gather momentum, as the battle for souls

rages ever fiercer and ever more tenacious, and this net

which Christ casts in our times must

haul in its catch. We must not forget

what Jesus was asking Vassula in His

Messages; significantly,

‘ be My net…’

He said to her. This Message does not

exclude the rest of us; Jesus is calling

each one of us to be His net. Yes, a

net we should be, to catch indifferent

souls, lost souls, desperate souls and

bring them to Christ’s Mercy and

Love so that they too may be healed,

consoled and discover in their life the

meaning of the Way, the Truth and

the Life.

Not only do the pilgrims each time

grow in numbers, they also always take a step forward

towards Unity and a clearer understanding of what sort of

Unity is asked from us by Jesus. This is the purpose of our

pilgrimages. Every time we meet, we could hear a louder,

more persistent and more urgent call for Unity from Christ.

After all, one can ask, what is the reason, and what is the

purpose that Christ is so decisively gathering so many of

his shepherds and us as lay from among so many nations to

our pilgrimages? Why is He gathering us together from all

sorts of backgrounds and traditions and from all the foreign

countries, if it is not His intention, His plan, to put in us a

renewed spirit and a renewed heart: to become the visible

example, the visible sign of the

‘Unity in diversity,’

the way


wants it? Are we perhaps, without realizing it, the first

Apostles, the Apostles of the End of Times, to have had a

foretaste of the real and completed Unity?

Christ never ceases to keep renewing the hearts of stone,

changing them into hearts of flesh. Christ, in our times, is

renewing the rigid hearts that were filled with prejudices

that were stiff like the three unbending iron rods, the

hearts that brought the division in the Church and who

keep it… Oh yes! God can mold these hearts… After all, is

Clergy at the Conference Hall

Clergy photo with Vassula


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